Tuesday, June 12, 2012


1 comment:

  1. Diabetis, (insulan dependant)
    high blood pressure
    colestrol problems
    if i talked about the painful past anxiety attack
    anxiety attacks, for what exs - ex did to us finacially and battleing her to pay everymonth.
    ex's family just rude to me, and just few months before, the niece was absolutly rude to me at a cousins birthday in front of other relatives. I said i put up with it for years from her mother and not going to take it from the next generation, who what really trained well and very rude.. He never did athing even tho his own brother complained to him about the rudeness,, AH HA SEE I AM NOT TAKING IT ANYMORE.. PRAISE GOD,, I AM SURROUNDING MYSELF WITH GOOD PEOPLE.
    Everytime I meet someone I say that to myself.
    I have this great check list!!!! gotta watch out, i so experienced at my age can be very easy to spot. PRAISE GOD!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!
